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Covid update February 2022 Amended Office opening hours
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Covid update February 2022 Amended Office opening hours
These resources need to be downloaded from Twinkl. You can set up a free account, using the code UKTWINKLHELPS, to access their resources. Year 4 have been learning about the Vikings this term. Below are are different resources and activities that you can do together to help further their knowledge about this time. […]
Year 3 have been looking at Tudor portraits this term. Below are a range of resources which will help them create their own portrait. Once you have done a self portrait, why not do one of members of your family and try using different media. You could paint, draw, collage…the choice is yours. How to […]
Material Properties and Definitions Dissolving Investigation Materials and their Properties What a Plant Needs to Grow Interactive Plant eBook
Multiplying and Dividing Addition and Subtraction Number and Place Value Maths Revision Booklet Word Problems Activity Mats Multiplication Wheel Spring Themed Activity Book Statistics Daily Times Table Practice Booklet
SPaG Activities Spellings English Activity Book Year 3 and 4 Spelling List Colouring Sheet for Spellings Fronted Adverbials Roald Dahl Reading Comprehension 60 Second Reading Pack Writing Prompts English Revision Pack Spooky Stories Alternative Ending to a Traditional Tale
These resources need to be downloaded from Twinkl. You can set up a free account, using the code UKTWINKLHELPS, to access their resources. This term Year 3 are learning about the Tudor Era. Please see activities and information below that children can use to continue their learning on this topic. Horrible History Tudor Video Tudor […]
Week 1 My Family Week 2 The Area You Live In Week 3 View Points Week 4 Animals Week 5 Environments Week 6 Food Week 7 Celebrations
Week 1 My Family Week 2 The Area You Live In Week 3 View Points Week 4 Animals Week 5 Environments Week 6 Food Week 7 Celebrations
Week 1 My Family Week 2 The Area You Live In Week 3 View Points Week 4 Animals Week 5 Environments Week 6 Food Week 7 Celebrations
Ilderton Primary School, Varcoe Rd, London SE16 3LA
Tel: 020 7237 3980
Senior Administration Officer: Dawn Webb
Phoenix Primary School, Marlborough Grove, London SE1 5JT
Tel: 020 7231 8622
Senior Administration Officer: Jane Grimes
Paper copies can be provided upon request