Pupil Premium

Children who attend our school come from a variety of backgrounds. As a school, we ensure that regardless of background, children are still able to have access to a high quality education and are able to meet their full potential. The school is provided with additional funding for pupils who are entitled to free school meals. This funding is allocated in order to provide additional adults, resources, interventions and specialists in order for all children to develop in the best way possible. Please click on the links below to review how the school plans to spend this allocated money. In addition, the school also reviews how the money was spent in order enhance pupil progress:

Please click here to view the Pupil Premium Expenditure Plan 2024-2025

Sports Premium

The Mayflower Federation also receive additional funding in order to provide high quality sporting provision and physical activities for all children within our school. The aim of this funding is to:

  • Promote the importance of healthy living and exercise for all children
  • Engage teachers in high quality CPD in order to enhance provision across the school for all children
  • Allow children a wider breadth of additional experiences and opportunities in sport and exercise.

Please click here to view the Sports Premium Expenditure Plan 2024 – 2025

The school will ensure that these improvements are sustainable by:

  • Deploying a Middle Leader to oversee the sports provision including reviewing the ongoing provision.
  • SLT to effectively support and challenge this Middle Leader in fulfilling their duties in sustaining high quality sports provision.
  • Governors to have oversight of the impact of the spending of Sports Premium and question how the spending will be sustained.