
Mayflower Federation is a non-selective, state-funded school in the London Borough of Southwark. We welcome visits to the school in order to decide if this is the right school for you and your child. Over the Autumn term, many tours of the school are scheduled and you should contact the school office to reserve a place. Should you be interested in visiting the school at any other point of the year, please ring the main office to make an appointment. Should there be a vacancy in your child’s year group, then a tour will be provided.

The policy and arrangements for admission to the school into Reception are set out by Southwark local authority and are available here:

Admission into the school is typically at Reception (children aged 4 by September 1st of each year) and applications should be made to the local authority who allocate these spaces into the school.

If you are unsuccessful in your bid for a place in Reception, you have the right to appeal to Southwark local authority who allocate these places.

Children with SEND

For children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), parents must contact the SEND Department at the London Borough of Southwark for further information on how to apply for a place at the school.

In-Year Admissions into Years 1 to 6

If you have just moved to the area with children of school age, please contact the school who will be able to advise whether there are currently any vacancies in your child’s year group. Should there be no vacancies within the school at the time of applying, then you are welcome to be added to a waiting list. Parents/ carers should also contact the London Borough of Southwark to see if any other spaces in other schools are available.

Parent Tours for Nursery and Reception 2025

The best way to find out if the Mayflower Federation is right for your child is to come and visit us on one of our open mornings. Please call the school office on 0207 237 3980 (Ilderton) or 0207 231 8622 (Phoenix) to book your place on one of our open mornings once the dates have been confirmed (maximum of 2 people per family).

Phoenix Primary tour dates:

Please note all tour times are at 9.30am

Tours will take place from September 2025-January 2026. Dates to be confirmed.

Ilderton Primary tour dates:

Tours will take place from September 2025-January 2026. Dates to be confirmed.

Mayflower Nursery Admissions Policy

The school is responsible for its own admission arrangements into Nursery. Children in Nursery should be three years old before the September enrollment. Applications for Nursery should be made from the January prior to the potential September start date. Please contact the school office for information of how to apply for a place in Nursery. Below is a copy of the school’s Nursery Admissions Policy:

Please click here for Nursery Admissions Policy