
At the Mayflower Federation we have a specialist music teacher who delivers class music. The music curriculum is designed to deliver the National Curriculum and whenever possible makes links to class topics.

We believe that music is essential to life. Music increases listening and concentration skills and enhances our learners’ ability to discriminate between sounds. This in turn improves phonetic awareness and helps to develop language and literacy skills. It also has a positive impact on spatial reasoning, which is linked to mathematical thinking, and physical co-ordination, which supports handwriting skills. Music helps to develop our children’s short- and long-term memory, the ability to perform from visual signs and symbols, and the ability to listen with concentration. Playing an instrument extends these skills and develops co-ordination and control.

Singing is at the heart of The Mayflower Federation. All year groups sing throughout the curriculum, weekly during singing practices and in our assemblies. The benefits of singing are numerous and far-reaching. It is healthy, promotes good breathing and posture, can make us feel better about ourselves, enhances our self-esteem and sense of well-being and it allows us to work collaboratively within groups in a non-competitive, highly supportive environment.

Children have quality opportunities to sing, play instruments, compose, appraise and listen to music. We encourage music-making in small groups, which promotes teamwork and the development of leadership skills, as well as being hugely enjoyable. All children have regular opportunities to engage in exciting musical and creative activities.

Music Learning Journey

Music Tuition:

The Mayflower Federation is very proud of its musical reputation especially in the provision of instrumental teaching. We subsidise instrumental lessons in the following instruments: violin, piano & guitar.  Children learn these instruments in paired or small group lessons. They perform informally during music assemblies and formally in a yearly concert.  We also offer Rocksteady – an in-school rock band whose sessions are a proven way of making music fun and giving youngsters the chance to rehearse together, perform songs they love and learn life skills along the way.  Music provision is enhanced by a range of musicians visiting the school to perform.  Children also have the opportunity to experience concerts in venues such as the Royal Albert Hall and the Barbican.