Religious Education

We believe that children should be given the opportunity to understand all the world religions, with access to knowledge about what makes people different – but also how people from across the world are the same.  Underpinning the RE curriculum are plenty of opportunities for children to talk and explore different concepts within and across religions and into their own beliefs.

  • The teaching of RE lessons are based around ‘themes’ rather than focusing on a particular religion each term. The idea is for children to see how religions are all very similar and have some connecting views. This facilitates a larger focus on dialogue rather than just debate. As a result, there is a wider coverage of RE throughout the school.
  • By organising the curriculum in this way, it has ensured that there is a development of RE as the children progress through the school.
  • Children have the chance to experience trips to local places of worship to further enhance and engage children in a broad range of activities and to bring learning experiences beyond that of the classroom. Furthermore, religious leaders visit the school to support in lessons and deliver assemblies to celebrate a cross section of religious celebratory events throughout the year.

Religious Education Learning Journey