There is an activity for your child to complete in each of the seven areas of learning. These activities are designed to be done together as a family. While you work together, give your child lots of opportunities for conversation so they can develop their language and learn new words and phrases.
If you do not have a copy of the ‘Book of the Week’ at home to read to your child, then please click on the link where you will be directed to a YouTube video of someone reading the story. Watch this with your child first because the ‘Book of the Week’ is at the heart of every activity.
In addition to completing these activities please ensure that you read with your child every day. These strategies will further support you when reading with your child at home:
- Talk about what’s happening in the book as you read it together by asking open questions, for example, “What do you think will happen next?”
- Let you child choose what books they want to read – they’ll enjoy reading more if they feel involved.
- Encourage your child to re-read their favourite books and poems. Re-reading helps to build fluency and confidence.
- Encourage them to read lots of different types of texts – picture story books, books of rhymes, non-fiction books, children’s magazines, postcards and even menus!
- Explain any words they don’t know, perhaps using pictures or objects.
- Use reading to open up discussions about feelings “The monkey is sad. Do you ever feel sad? What makes you feel sad?”
- Use your facial expressions, gesture, actions and vary the tone of your voice to help tell the story.
- Encourage your child to act out the story with their toys and encourage them to start reading independently by suggesting they ‘read to teddy’.
If you do not have access to any specific resources that you need to complete the home learning (e.g. scissors or colouring pens) then please contact the school office and the teacher will make a pack for you.
Please click the link below for activities to do with your child.
Week Beginning 14th December 2020