These resources need to be downloaded from Twinkl. You can set up a free account, using the code UKTWINKLHELPS, to access their resources.
Addition and Subtraction Challenge Cards
Ultimate Times Table Challenge
By the end of Year 4, children should know all of their times tables facts up to 12×12. This is a great time to practise these and there are lots of fun ways to do it. Below are some games you can play together to help learn all of the facts. Spend 10 minutes a day practising and by the time we get back to school, you will be a times table champion.
Snakes and Ladders 6, 7, 8, 9 Tables
Snakes and Ladders 2, 3, 4 and 5 Tables
More Times Tables Colouring Sheets
There are many more games available on Twinkl, just search for ‘Times Tables Games’ and you will find lots more to keep you busy.